Cargo handling at ABP‘s South Wales Ports rose by more than 5% compared to a year ago, with timber volumes imported through the Port of Cardiff from the Baltic states and Scandinavia continuing to rise.

WestBank Timber’s operation at Newport was boosted by a £100,000 improvement in facilities by ABP. WestBank has also invested significant amounts to expand its business at Newport.

The Port of Swansea saw the largest single consignment of forest products to be handled in South Wales – a 19,000m3 shipment from the Far East for RKL Plywood Ltd.

“ABP South Wales’ half-year results are very encouraging indeed,” said John Fitzgerald, ABP South Wales Ports director. “The ports have continued to strengthen their core business, while successfully diversifying into lucrative secondary markets.”

The Port of Grimsby and Immingham showed a “positive” start to the year, while Hull & Goole reported a “steady” six months.

ABP said its King’s Lynn port had welcomed its first shipment of unprocessed logs this year. The 2,500m3 cargo from Denmark was delivered to a sawmill in Brackley, Northamptonshire.

ABP was recently taken over by Admiral Acquisitions UK Ltd, an investment consortium led by Goldman Sachs, in a £2.8bn deal.