German company Pollmeier, which claims to operate the most efficient and largest hardwood lumber sawmills in Europe, is investing around €100m in two new production facilities.

One is to be built near Heimsheim in Baden-Württembergand the other at Aschaffenburg Harbour in Bavaria. On completion, the two plants will be able to saw around an additional 1 million m3 of solid timber.

A total of between 150-180 jobs will be created at each sawmill and Pollmeier said this will have a positive effect on forestry and forest ownership as previously unused roundwood potential can get onto the world market, therefore creating further jobs in the “cluster wood” sector.

Marketing and press representative Lars Schmidt said: “Similar to our headquarters in Creuzburg, the new facilities will set standards in terms of first-rate industrial architecture.

“The predominant aim here is to present the woodworking industry as a modern and sustainable sector – and to introduce wood as a renewable raw material to the general public.”

The new facilities will be identical in construction and the machinery will come from Hanses-Sägewerkstechnik.