Top poleclimbers from around the world will converge on Lockerbie in September to battle it out for the World Best Pairs Championship and the Individual European Championship at the International Forest Fest (IFF) 2002.

Triple world champion poleclimber Jeremy Barrell of Hampshire has selected two poles for the contest from the 45m Douglas firs grown at the Longleat Estate in Wiltshire.

He said: “With literally hundreds of perfect poles to choose from, I was spoilt for choice. The two we have selected have virtually no knots and very little taper for the 25m length that will be used in the competition.”

SGS Haulage of Wark, Northumberland has been contracted to deliver the massive poles to the festival site.

Major events at IFF 2002 on September 25-28 are the World Logging Championships, which have already attracted 25 teams from around the world, and the APF International Forest Machinery Exhibition, both sponsored by Stihl.