Norbord customer account co-rdinator Gordon Cox has completed a 1,411km cycle trip from Land’s End to John O’Groats to raise money for The Prostate Cancer Charity.

The charity is a cause close to this heart as he was diagnosed with the disease last year and had a life-saving operation. “The purpose was to raise money to help the work of The Prostate Cancer Charity and, just as importantly, to raise awareness of prostate cancer so that more people can recognise the signs and do something about it,” said he said.

During the seven-day trip, Mr Cox overcame hailstones, headwinds, detours and steep hills, and averaged 125 miles a day. His wife Miriam accompanied him in the car, arranging food, drink and accommodation.

Mr Cox, who recently completed 25 years with Norbord, is a keen cyclist. He has been biking the 10 miles from his home to the Cowie mill for the past 11 years, and has been doing long-distance events from 200-600km since 1998.

For further information on his trip, visit