Developer Larkfleet Group plans to partially build a timber frame house in order to demonstrate the way timber frame construction and other energy efficient technologies can be combined to meet the Code for Sustainable Homes (CSH).

The three-bedroom property will be built on land adjacent to the company’s headquarters in Lincolnshire and will be constructed without some of the internal finishes to allow visitors to see the structure of the building and the technologies used in its construction.

Internal walls, floors and ceilings will be left incomplete to allow the timber frame, insulation, water-saving technologies and energy systems to be visible. These combine to make the house meet Level 4 of the CSH.

Kestrel Timber Frames will supply the main body of the structure, with FE Peacock acting as the main contractor. Both are members of the Larkfleet Group.

“Housing associations and developers are being set increasingly tough challenges to meet new environmental standards,” said Karl Hick, group managing director.

“We aim to use this unique building to show them how they can meet these present and future challenges.”

Larkfleet is still awaiting planning permission for the project but, assuming it is granted, the house will be complete by the end of the year.