Germany’s Ü-Mark has riled parquet importers who believe it will create additional and unnecessary testing requirements for construction products, which already have the CE mark in place.

The European Commission’s referral of Germany’s decision is based on the latter’s failure to respect EU rules governing the harmonisation of the marketing of construction products.

The EPFI said importers have commercially suffered from Germany’s Ü-Mark, such as facing difficulties to import their products into Germany. "The Ü-Mark clearly constitutes a barrier to entry," it said, adding that it was not in line with the newly-adopted Construction Product Regulation.

"In this difficult context, national protectionist measures should be strongly forbidden and the EU should ensure that the free movement of goods is fully respected by all its member states," said EPFI president Nigel Gibbs.

The EPFI urged the Court of Justice to take a "clear decision" on the case to bring legal certainty in a market which has already been significantly affected by the economic crisis.