Chairman of the newly founded All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Timber Industries, Ian Paisley MP has written to the Leader of the House of Commons Rt Hon Chris Grayling MP urging him to consider replacing wooden structures within the House with the same material where at all possible.

Details of the Restoration and Renewal Programme are due to be announced during the spring, but the work is still some years away from commencing.

“Members of the APPG for the Timber Industries are particularly concerned about the future of the rich wood heritage which lights up the Palace wherever you go – this is something we feel strongly is imperative to uphold,” said Mr Paisley.

“You only need to look at the stunning hammer-beam roof of Westminster Hall to see the immense radiance of tradition and elegance which has been expressed through timber, whilst also highlighting its sustainability, for over 600 years.”

He said it was essential that the legacy of attractive timber features in the Palace of Westminster was protected by replacing wooden structures within the House with the same material where at all possible.