Walford said the deal would allow it to concentrate on its core business supplying treated timber and fencing, having developed the BRE-approved machine to enhance treatment of home grown spruce.

Since the machine’s launch last year at the height of efforts to solve the mounting problem of fence post failures, the company said it had received many enquiries and sold its first machine to North West Timber Treatments.

"Walford Timber are very happy to share this technology with the timber industry, but needed a partner with national and international resources to make the most of the opportunities presented," the company said.

The Hedgehog will now be available in Europe through Osmose.

The machine was developed over three years by Walford managing director George Smith in co-operation with BRE using Osmose Celcure AC-500. It is manufactured by an engineering firm local to Walford in Herefordshire.

BRE’s Dr Ed Suttie said the finished product met the requirements for a 15-year service life.