In celebration of its centenary, the Bristol Channel and Western Timber Association (BCWTA) held its first dinner last week.

Around 160 members and guests attended the event hosted by BCWTA chairman Cyril Evans, and there is talk of a dinner becoming an annual event.

Mr Evans said the trade has changed dramatically in recent years and stressed the importance of the industry speaking with one voice.

Timber Trade Federation (TTF) president Philip Underwood underlined the importance of consolidation. After outlining changes within the TTF since its review, he spoke of the TTF meetings with government ministers and went on: ‘Twenty different bodies exist within the timber industry, but government wants clarity and single purpose and we need to avoid wasteful duplication.’

Barry Lewis, president of the Timber Trade Benevolent Society (TTBS), said the BCWTA had always been hugely supportive of the timber trade and appealed for their support again.

He said: ‘We have to raise money. I am speaking on behalf of people who have worked all their lives in the timber trade.’