The timber windows industry could benefit from continuing high oil prices, according to British Woodworking Federation director Richard Lambert.

Mr Lambert said the high prices, predicted to continue in a report by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, were adding to companies’ overheads, but not as much as manufacturers of rival materials such as plastic.

He said: “Higher oil prices mean higher transport and fuel costs. But we are not unique – the whole of the manufacturing industry is going through the same problems.

“But every cloud has a silver lining. Our main competitor in the windows market, PVCu, is oil-based and the high prices are adding to the problems they are already experiencing, which we can only benefit from.”

Elsewhere, companies have reported soaring energy costs this year.

David Colman, managing director of Triesse Ltd, said: “Energy costs have probably doubled or trebled over the course of the last year. In a tight market we are being asked to absorb these costs.”

Oldham-based Hills Panel Products (HPP) said its electricity costs had increased about 50-60% this year.

HPP managing director Stephen Hill said: “We have managed to curtail the increases to a certain amount through changing our electricity suppliers but if the rise continues we will have to consider an increase in product prices.”

Lawcris Panel Products Ltd marketing manager Hal Eccles said increased petrol and energy costs were very difficult to pass on to customers in a commodity market.