James Ogilvie, president of the Institute of Chartered Foresters and head of grants and licences for the Forestry Commission Scotland, has succeeded in climbing to the top of Mt Everest.

Mr Ogilvie, who left the UK on March 25, made the five-and-a-half mile climb to raise money for Tree Aid, which helps alleviate poverty in sub-Saharan Africa. Part-sponsored by Norbord, he aimed to raise £8,850 – £1 for every metre he climbed. Donations would be gratefully received at www.justgiving.com/jamesogilvie.

On reaching the summit and his safe return, Mr Ogilvie said, “I feel privileged to be one of the few people to have stood on top of the world. Standing in the jet stream zone and seeing the Earth’s curvature is a humbling experience. Naturally and literally the high point of my expedition was standing on the summit and the low point was getting food poisoning and not eating for four days.”