Devon-based Carpenter Oak Ltd and Wiltshire-based Carpenter Oak & Woodland Co Ltd were originally part of the same company but separated in 2001, six years after setting up a division in Devon.

Both companies say the latest move will give the reunified business a regional presence from Scotland to Cornwall, bringing together some of the most experienced timber frame designers and makers in the country.

The reunion will bring back together Charley Brentnall, Adam Milton and Paul Kirkup, who originally worked together in Wiltshire under Roderick James and Mr Brentnall’s directorship of Carpenter Oak & Woodland. Mr James, Mr Milton and Mr Kirkup moved to South Devon to set up the Devon framing yard in 1995, leading to the parting of the two companies and the formation of Carpenter Oak Ltd in 2001.

Despite the split both companies said they always remained on good terms.

“We can see a strong future together,” said Adam Milton, managing director of Carpenter Oak.

“What I find most exciting is we are now able to combine both companies’ strengths and learn from each other to consolidate an extended range of services that will ultimately benefit all of our clients.”

“This feels as exciting as it did when we started the original company 25 years ago before framing was popular,” said Mr Brentnall.

“We all feel the same passion for creating beautiful structures, and we’re keen to continue championing the role of timber and craftsmanship within architecture and see where we can take it next.”

Preceding the reunification was the full-time return of Mr Brentnall into Carpenter Oak & Woodland late last year. The current plan is for the Devon, Scotland and Chippenham yards to remain as they are, while a name for the reunited company has yet to be decided and for the time being both businesses will keep their respective names.