Every aspect of forestry, from research and forest establishment through to harvesting, sawmilling and processing and export marketing will be showcased at FI2006 in Rotorua, New Zealand in March next year.
The organisers say the exhibition, which takes place every four years, attracts forest industry representatives from all over New Zealand as well as exhibitors and visitors from Australia, the Pacific, Asia, North and South America, Europe and South Africa.
The exhibition will be preceded by a one-day conference “Global Vision 2006: the international wood conference that will change the way you think!”
Keynote speakers will include Bo Borgström of CEI-Bois, the European confederation of woodworking industries. Also speaking will be Charles Trevor, managing director of the UK wood. for good promotion campaign. Fourteen wood technology clinics will also take place.
The organisers say new process, product and systems technologies drawn from a wide range of wood producing countries have been selected for their suitability to the local industry and wood resource being processed “down under”.
Sawmilling, scanning, mill optimisation, timber drying and wood manufacturing technologies will be covered, as well as a series of site visits to view wood processing and manufacturing operations around Rotorua.