Titled “Sustainable Design in the Broads”, the event aimed to demonstrate some of the measures that can be taken to reduce carbon emissions and slow down climate change.
The culmination of an 18-month research project, conducted by LSI Architects and funded by the Broads Authority Sustainable Development Fund with a grant from Defra, the seminar addressed issues of sustainable building design and construction.
The project culminated in the publication of a Broads Sustainability Design Guide booklet and CD Rom, designed and produced by LSI Architects for the Broad Authority.
Issues at the seminar included why sustainable design is important, reducing C02 emissions and minimising waste and transportation.
“Cultural change in the whole building design process is urgently needed, as is a positive change in legislation which puts sustainability onto both the political and planning agenda,” said Mr Price.
He said a long-term shift towards sustainable development will only come about through a combination of planning, building regulation legislation and guidance and upholding the recommendations in the guide.
“You don’t have to be whacky to be green,” said Mr Price. “Some of the sustainable principles may appear expensive, but if we all promote and implement sustainable principles, the universal change and increase in demand will inevitably mean that technologies will become more cost-effective.”
For a copy of the guide contact www.broads-authority.gov.uk.