The campaign – "Better By Nature", which has its own website, – encapsulates the company’s commitment to the environment and, in particular, the protection of the UK’s forests. Norbord is a leading voice in the biomass debate which has seen the government and DECC come under pressure to review the Renewables Obligation which incentivises the burning of wood to create electricity.

Topics covered and explained in the campaign include the Renewables Obligation, where Norbord asks why energy companies are being subsidised to burn Britain’s virgin trees; imported plywood, in the context of the preservation of the world’s rainforests and endangered animal and plant species; and legislation against illegally-felled timber, which addresses the importance of provenance and sustainable timber production.

A forthcoming national newspaper campaign will raise the issues thrown up by the burning of wood for energy and a call for a public debate will commence with celebrities adding their names to the cause.

"Within our industry, we are well known for championing wood-related issues, from the iniquitous misuse of Britain’s forests as a resource, to legislation that protects the world’s rainforests," said Karl Morris, managing director of Norbord Europe.

"Norbord’s Better By Nature initiative is designed to spread the word to a wider audience. We are intent on developing the initiatives so that the message grows and evolves. It comes down to our whole attitude to what we do – it’s in our nature to want to do things better, whether it’s our focus on employee safety, the quality of the products we make, our commitment to customer service or our passion for the environment, and in particular, the protection of our forests and the resources that they provide."