NMITE set out with a mission to revolutionise engineering education and took in its first students in September 2021. Located in Hereford, it offers forward-thinking Integrated Engineering degrees, NMITE’s curriculum is hands-on and project-based, ensuring that students gain real-world experience from day one. 

“Our first cohort of graduates represents the culmination of years of dedication and innovation in engineering education,” said James Newby, NMITE’s president and chief executive. “Their success is a testament to NMITE’s academic rigour and unique learning model, which emphasises practical experience, problem-solving skills, and close collaboration with industry partners. Our students were willing to accept the challenge of joining a new institution and they, like our staff, have worked incredibly hard to turn our model into a reality.  With the first NMITE graduates out in work, we’re sure our reputation and influence will continue to grow.”

“This is an incredibly proud moment for everyone at Balfour Beatty,” added Tom Newton, engineering and design Director at Balfour Beatty. “Over the last 12 months we have actively contributed to the NMITE curriculum through our partnership, with a number of our experts supporting teaching modules, outlining what it takes to work in our industry.  With the first cohort of students now entering employment, the proof is in the pudding – alongside our colleagues at NMITE, we have successfully delivered what we set out to do, opening doors to young people and arming them with the tools needed to excel in their careers.”