Panel product manufacturer Nexfor is calling for an industry debate on the controversial issue of the use of Brazilian elliottii pine plywood in structural applications.

The company has also launched a promotional campaign, aimed at architects, roofing contractors and local authority specifiers, pushing its Sterling OSB 3 as an independently certified, fit for purpose flat roof decking which also highlights the potential shortcomings of elliottii plywood.

Nexfor sales director Maurice Fitzgibbon said warnings about misuse of Brazilian elliottii pine plywood have already been issued by the National Standards Authority of Ireland and the Wood Panel Industries Federation.

He added: ‘APA – The Engineered Wood Association and the Timber Trade Federation are working hard to clarify what is fast-becoming a serious situation. The Flat Roofing Alliance has also instructed its members to be especially aware when dealing with elliottii.’

Mr Fitzgibbon said that against this backdrop of real concern over the impact elliottii is having, Nexfor would welcome the opportunity to take part in an open debate about the situation, adding: ‘The use of elliottii pine plywood for structural load bearing purposes has been questioned. It is now being legally debated within the plywood industry.

‘We believe end users should be in possession of all the facts in order to make a considered judgement about which panel to use.’

Brazilian plywood exporters said they view UK criticism of elliottii pine as an effort by competitors to knock their product.

Isac Chami Zugman, chief executive of Zugman Panels, said: ‘All this concern about the use of Brazilian elliottii pine is totally misplaced: there has not been a single example where Brazilian elliottii pine plywood has been shown not to be fit for purpose.

‘Where would Europe get its supplies if not from Brazil? If supplies dried-up prices would double,’ he added.