Timber companies have the opportunity of having their sustainability achievements recognised in a new verification scheme operated by the Rainforest Alliance.

The Alliance’s new mark is awarded to forest carbon projects and forestry enterprises which meet standards developed by the group or by other organisations with which it is aligned.

The verification mark, which displays the Alliance’s green frog symbol, can be used in product marketing and public information materials, such as websites, brochures and advertisements but not on products.

“When consumers or business see the new Rainforest Alliance verification mark, they can be sure that a particular enterprise or project – whether it be a hotel, carbon-offset project or company selling wood products – has complied with strong standards for sound management that benefits the environment and communities,” said Rainforest Alliance president Tensie Whelan.

She said the Alliance had developed standards for verification of legality to respond to a growing need for companies to provide assurances – to customers, owners, investors and the general public – that answer questions about the legal status of timber sources.