A standardised test method and measuring criteria to determine drum sound generated by walking on laminate flooring is on the verge of being introduced in Europe.

An international work group set up a year ago by the Association of European Producers of Laminate Flooring (EPLF) to develop an industry guideline has produced a draft which will be presented to the responsible ISO-panel in Vienna.

It is intended to help solve difficulties experienced by conflicting advertising messages given on product packages, brochures and catalogues.

All EPLF members have already agreed to measure drum sound by using the techniques in the draft and to adjust their advertisements accordingly.

The draft’s test method uses sone-values to evaluate the loudness of noise. The EPLF says these values, which are integers of the curve of the specific loudness (sone/bark) in relationship to the critical band (bark/Zwicker), are absolute and linear figures which can be compared to each other.

Members of the international work group included testing institutes IHD Dresden, CTBA Bordeaux and Lund University (Sweden).