Ms Brankin named nine successful applicants to the £325,000 Developing Woodland Energy grant scheme, which will support investments in the harvesting, chipping, drying and distribution of wood for fuel.

She also launched Adding Value to Farm Woodlands a £100,000 grant pilot scheme to grow the economic use and active management of farm woodlands by promoting the development and supply of value-added timber and non-timber forest products.

Ms Brankin’s attendance at the Royal Highland Show included presenting certificates to the first forestry sector employees to complete the Scottish Trees and Timber Modern Apprentices qualification.

Forestry Commission Scotland employees Christopher Robertson and Murray Livingstone were recognised as part of a DVD launch by Lantra, the sector skills council for environmental and land-based industries.

The Promoting Workplace Learning DVD, which features Mr Robertson and Mr Livingstone, aims to promote work-related learning and raise employer awareness of cost-effective and fit-for-purpose training.