BRE and wood. for good have jointly produced a brochure which shows builders and architects how to achieve sustainable development by using wood.

Building Sustainably with Timber, billed as an essential sales tool for the wood industry by wood. for good project manager John Fletcher, has been published to coincide with government moves to encourage the construction industry down a more sustainable route.

Wood. for good managing director Charles Trevor said the BRE‘s Environmental Asessment Method and EcoHomes scheme formed an important basis for sustainable construction. And, he added, timber suppliers “must embrace the requirements of these schemes and use this opportunity to increase timber sales to their customers”.

The guide highlights how timber solutions can contribute to sustainable construction and quantifies the contribution individual components can make towards achieving sustainability targets and in gaining EcoHomes credits.

An EcoHomes checklist encourages the specification of timber from sustainably managed forests and recycled or reused products, plus independent third-party chain of custody.