The two-directional model was introduced by the Irish vehicle manufacturer company as an alternative to the 3-wheel multi-directional sideloader. It replaces a sideloader at Merritt and Fryers that had been in service for 20 years.
"It was obviously not going to be economically viable to refurbish such an old machine but our drivers were used to a four-wheel model," said director Andrew Merritt.
"While we were looking forward to more up-to-date technology and engineering, we were keen to stick to this design. Our materials handling provider Briggs had recommended Combilift and the timing was perfect as the new machine had just been developed."
The 5 tonne capacity truck can be used in the relatively narrow spaces between racking in the warehouse and in the general sales yard. However, it is used in the large timber importing area where very large section timber such as 13.8m long joists are stored for supply to major national chains.