A technical standard for modern methods of construction (MMC), including timber-based systems, is expected to be launched by the end of 2005.
Visitors to the BRE‘s Offsite 2005 exhibition on June 6-9 will have an opportunity to view the draft standard, which has been drawn up to meet the lack of design guides for innovative new building systems such as structural insulated panels (SIPs) and closed panel timber frame.
BRE Certification is developing the Standard for Innovative Methods of Dwelling Construction (LPS 2020) to help address the concerns of mortgage lenders and insurers about non-traditional methods of construction, as well as encourage the development of high quality products.
Currently, individual lenders make their own decisions about new construction methods.
LPS 2020, being trialled at several MMC manufacturers, sets out requirements for performances and methods of verification but does not focus on specific materials, dimensions or design approaches.
The standard, supported by the Council of Mortgage Lenders and the Association of British Insurers, will provide a certification route for innovative building systems, sub-assemblies and elements.