Garden and landscape timber products specialist M&M Timber is to stage an open day at its manufacturing and production site near Kidderminster.

More than 150 guests, including senior personnel from some of the UK’s top independent retail outlets and the specialist trade press, are expected at the event on September 1.

They will see a pre-GLEE exhibition launch of M&M Timber’s new garden products, promotional items and extended ranges for 2012.

After a welcome breakfast, and following an opening address by managing director Nigel Poyner and sales director Ian Rickhuss, visitors will be escorted on conducted tours of M&M Timber’s Hunt House Sawmills. They will also see at first hand the level of investment in state-of-the-art production facilities M&M Timber has committed to over the last few years, including the oven drying kilns and pressure treatment plant used in the micronized preservation process that the company uses.

The facility tours finish with a five-course lunch and a guest speaker, followed by a grand raffle and awards presentation.

A limited number of places are still available for management personnel representing independent retail outlets. Personal invitations can be applied for via email to