Misgivings have been expressed about the ways of funding a new scheme to increase productive forestland.
As the Forestry Commission’s new forest leasing scheme was launched on Friday, the UK Forest Product Association (UKFPA) said the reliance on funding from disposals in the Scottish forest estate could have significant impacts on the wood processing sector.
The scheme offers landowners the opportunity to lease land to Forestry Commission Scotland, which would establish a productive crop and maintain it for 10 years.
“I suspect that many people will seriously question the continued sell-off of parts of the Forestry Commission estate – selling the family silver really should only be the last resort,” said UKFPA executive director David Sulman.
But he did welcome the scheme as a move to stimulate new productive woodland creation.
“There needs to be a return to the planting levels for commercial conifers seen about 10 years ago.”