Mersey Docks and Harbour Company is leading a consortium which is to take over control of the Mozambique port of Maputo. And the initiative could lead to major developments in timber transport.

The consortium, in which Mersey Docks has a 36% share, includes a subsidiary of Swedish construction company Skanska AB, Mozambique Gestores SARL and Portuguese terminals operator Liscont-Operadores de Contentores SA. It will own 51% of Maputo Port Development Company (MPDC) with the remainder owned by the government of Mozambique and the national ports and railways authority.

A US$70m investment programme will take place to regenerate this major gateway into South Africa and, under the 15-year concession, it is forecast port volumes will more than treble from four million tonnes to 13 million tonnes per year.

&#8220It is planned to develop a large timber terminal to handle forestry exports from Mozambique, South Africa and Swaziland”

Eric Leatherbarrow, MDHC

Eric Leatherbarrow of Mersey Docks said: “Although we are not handling any timber at Maputo at the moment, MPDC hopes to quickly re-establish imports of hardwoods from South-east Asia. It is also planned to develop a large timber terminal to handle forestry exports from Mozambique, South Africa and Swaziland.”

Mersey Docks’ investment will total US$4.5m, mainly in the form of shareholder loans to MPDC.