MCI Timply Ltd has been appointed to represent birch plywood producer Sveza of Russia in the UK.

Sveza owns three birch plywood mills – two in Kostroma, of which one is a new facility operating under the name Fanplit, and one in St Petersburg.

&#8220Sveza has a particular interest in developing long-term supply programmes and working with industrial users developing panels for specific needs. ”

MCI Timply chief executive Mike Cater

MCI Timply chief executive Mike Cater said: ‘The original mills, which have always produced classic birch squares, are two of the oldest and most respected manufacturing facilities in Russia, with many years of experience in export markets. The new mill has been specifically designed to produce large press sizes and film-faced plywoods’.

A wide range of products is available, including the Sveza brand of film-faced plywoods as well as cut-to-size and special lay-up panels for industry.

&#8220Sveza has a particular interest in developing long-term supply programmes and working with industrial users developing panels for specific needs. ”

MCI Timply chief executive Mike Cater

Mr Cater said: ‘There is a particular interest in developing long-term supply programmes and working with industrial users developing panels for specific needs.’