Operation Market Garden aimed to parachute troops into German-occupied Arnhem, Eindhoven, and Nijmegen in the Netherlands to capture strategically important bridges. The plan was to take and hold strategic points with airborne troops and for the 30th Corps armoured column to relieve the paratroopers with advances to eventually liberate the Netherlands and invade Germany.

The entire operation failed because of the slower-than-expected advance of the 30th Corps and logistical problems on the Allied side. The airborne forces suffered heavy casualties and had to be withdrawn. By the end, Operation Market Garden cost 1,485 Allied lives and was widely regarded as the "bridge too far".

As part of a group of 15, Mr Lamont will march the 75 miles along the 30th Corps route from Lommel to Arnhem. The walk will end in time to attend commemoration events in Arnhem.

The group is raising funds for the Para Charity and for Help for Heroes. Donations can be made at www.virginmoneygiving.com/team/OMG2014 and any company that donates £75 will have their logo on the team’s support vehicle.

The group’s progress can be tracked at www.facebook.com/groups/operationmarketgarden2014.