Magnum board – otherwise known as Kronoply OSB4 – is used as a building system when multiple Magnum boards are glued and pressed together to form panels 75-250mm thick.

“In the past, there have often been problems when architects, manual trades or builder-owners have wanted to use Magnum board outside Germany,” said Kronoply managing director Uwe Jöst. “The ETA has now put an end to the bureaucratic obstacles.”

Meanwhile, 3B TEC GmbH in Ludwigsfelde, Germany and French company Henri Vermot & Son have been licensed by Kronoply to produce the Magnum board building system.

The UK does not currently have a Magnum board system manufacturer following the demise of first Panaloc in 2008 and then Panaloc Worldwide Manufacturing Ltd in 2011.

A student accommodation development in Nottingham has been designed in Magnum board but the project has been on hold for a while. Kronoply is focusing its UK sales efforts on its standard panel products.