Stella Hayes of AKZ Timber, the first woman president in the Club’s history, welcomed over 120 members and guests and said she was proud to lead such a democratic and inclusive organisation. 

As part of the celebrations the Club committee invited many retired former members back as guests, which added to the occasion.

Ms Hayes introduced a past president and current president of the Timber Trade Federation, Charles Hopping of Hoppings Softwood Products who humorously took members and guests through the past 70 years of the timber industry. He also praised the Club for its charitable giving – almost £35,000 donated to worthy causes in the past five years alone.

Mr Hopping ended on a challenging note that although timber products had developed tremendously during this time there was still much work to be done to ensure they are truly fit for purpose. He referred specifically to the current TTF initiative on treatment.

Retiree Nigel Defrates, himself a former Club president, thanked the Club on behalf of the guests.

The next meeting of the London Softwood Club is the Christmas lunch, Thursday December 6 at the Charing Cross Hotel.