The company, set up by Tony Collins and John McCoy in 2005, has also moved into new offices four times the size of its previous office and has invested in a new forklift and extra staff.

“We were quite surprised how big the turnover was in our first year,” said Mr McCoy. “This second year will be much better so there is a need to invest in our premises and extra staff.

“We knew the business would go well but it has happened very quickly. We’ve had a lot of great support from suppliers.”

He said turnover last year had been just under £4m, while current timber stocks are estimated to be worth about £1m.

Mr McCoy said kiln-dried European oak in a variety of sizes was proving one of the company’s most popular projects. About 80% of the company’s business is in temperate hardwood from the US and Europe but it also stocks some tropical species.

It recently supplied utile to a joinery manufacturer for use in entrance doors, skirtings and architraves at the Beatles-themed Hard’s Day Night Hotel in Liverpool.

Mr McCoy admitted the hardwood market could be a difficult sector to be involved in and good relationships with suppliers and customers were essential to success.