James Latham’s Purfleet depot was among the stops on a sustainable procurement fact-finding tour of the UK timber market by representatives of people affected by illegal logging in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

The “forest witness tour” was hosted by the WWF and included Louise Nyavughoye, who works with pygmy communities in the DRC; Diedonne Makaya, a forest concession manager; and Francois Makoloh who works with local groups to engage them in sustain-able forest management.

At Latham’s, chairman Peter Latham and timber director John May explained the company’s commitment to supplying legal and sustainable timber, such as FSC-certified sapele, from central Africa.

The DRC representatives also visited the London Olympics site to see how certified timber is being used in the construction, and Southend, where they were shown how Congo Basin ekki was used in the pier restoration.

The trip also included presentations and a debate at Lambeth Palace attended by timber companies, NGOs and central and local authority representatives