Around 20,000m³ of Chinese plywood in break bulk vessel MV Panamana arrived at the Port of Tilbury yesterday, imported by Altripan UK Ltd.

The Singapore-registered ship, making its maiden voyage, took just one day to unload, with the ship’s cranes lifting off 10 packs at a time.

The shipment represents Altripan UK’s largest shipment since being established three years ago. Around 40% will be sold in the UK, with the remainder being trucked to Altripan in Antwerp to be sold on the European market.

Representatives from Altripan NV, The Timber Trade Federation, TTJ, P&O and customers Hanson Plywood, L+G Forest Products and MDM Timber visited the ship and storage sheds at Tilbury to mark the occasion.

For more on this story see the next issue of TTJ.