New timber frame company Karlin Timber Frame is planning to expand just four months after starting up in County Durham.

The company, run by Colin and Karen Lunn, is in discussions with its landlord about doubling the size of the 10,000ft2 site it leases in Stanley.

It wants to use an additional 10,000ft2 for outside storage with a view to eventually extending its factory out over the space.

Manging director Colin Lunn, who has more than 20 years’ experience in timber frame, said the company was targeting individuals and smaller builders who were looking for non-standard houses.

He said: “Timber frame really now has a foothold in the English market. It has grown considerably in the past two to three years.

“We are now at the stage where most of the big builders are using it in some form or another. It is now getting through to individuals and smaller builders.”

The company received substantial start-up financial backing from UK Steel Enterprise Ltd, a subsidiary of Corus plc which supports new businesses in steel areas. Other assistance came from Derwentside District Council, County Durham Development Company and Buildings for Business.