James Jones & Sons JJI-Joists have been used to create a mono pitch roof for a new creche in Drogheda, Ireland.

Because the 330m² roof structure incorporates long spans of up to 11.9m, the roof could be completely constructed from JJI-Joists which are available in lengths up to 12m.

Dublin-based Kelly Timber Frame supplied the complete timber frame structure for the creche. “Using JJI-Joists enabled us to construct the roof simply and efficiently, without the need for numerous intermediate support beams,” said technical director Ray Hughes.

JJI-Joists also contributed to the overall speed of erection, with the timber frame construction being completed in eight days.

“As we have been able to achieve greater spans with JJI-Joists, the client has been able to eliminate the need for internal load-bearing walls, saving time and money,” added Mr Hughes.