The 11 staff carried the 6ft 6in, 30kg Snowdon door from JB Kind’s Montana range on the nine-mile round trip to raise money for St Giles Hospice in Staffordshire.

The team easily exceeded their fund-raising target of £4,000 to raise more than £5,000 for the charity, and also exceeded their time target, completing the challenge in 7.5 hours rather than the expected nine hours.

"Our trade partners, suppliers, merchants and many others have dug deep to find the money to sponsor our 30th anniversary fund-raising celebration, our Snowdon Door Challenge, and we are hugely grateful. We couldn’t have achieved this without the generous donations from the trade," said marketing manager Tina Jones.

Helen Relihan, head of fund-raising for St Giles Hospice, said the JB Kind team should be very proud of themselves. "Their fund-raising will really make a difference to the lives of local people living with cancer and other serious illnesses," she said.