The role of wood science in the development of wood-based products will be the focus of the Institute of Wood Science (IWSc) annual conference.

Entitled Innovation into Application, the one-day conference will feature presentations from a cross-section of the timber industry, including Coillte Panel Products marketing and business development director Geoff Rhodes, Dr Steve Lee from the Forestry Commission and John Moore, Andrew Lyons and Peter Condon from Napier University’s Centre for Timber Engineering.

The presentations, which will be delivered in 30-minute slots, will address topics including growing trees for the future of construction, improving the mechanical properties of timber, innovations in panel products, emissions from wood building products and innovations in exterior cladding and planned maintenance.

“Cutting edge developments in wood science are directly relevant to the manufacture and specification of wood and wood products and this kind of innovation is essential to meet the demands of the modern construction industry,” said IWSc president Geoff Taylor.

“The programme for this year’s conference has been specially designed with this relevance in mind.”

The IWSc annaul conference will take place at Edinburgh Castle on November 22, with a “first come first served” pre-conference tour of the Scottish Parliament building taking place on November 21.