Three men, a German and two from the Philippines, were working on the Suntis on Monday when they were taken ill aboard the vessel. They died a short time after arriving at hospital.

The circumstances surrounding the incident remain unclear, though the Hull Daily Mail reports that police are investigating whether carbon monoxide poisoning was a possible cause.

An official police statement form Humberside Police says no arrests have been made and investigations by police, the Health and Safety Executive and the Maritime Agency are continuing.

"We are continuing to work closely with the relevant authorities," port operator Associated British Ports said in a statement. "Out thoughts are with those affected by this tragic incident."

The German-owned Suntis had arrived at Goole at the weekend with a load of timber. It had started its journey at Brunsbüttel, Germany before calling at Gdynia in Poland, Riga and Frederikshavn, Denmark, before travelling to Goole.