International Plywood said it has suspended all future purchases from a Tasmanian timber company under pressure from environmental groups.

The company found itself in the crossfire between green groups and the Tasmanian timber industry after it was named last month (TTJ November 12/19) as the supplier of plywood from the Australian island state to a London Olympics build project.

The product, used for flooring in the £20m SportsDock training venue at the University of East London’s Docklands campus, was PEFC-certified, meeting the Games’ strict timber procurement policy. But campaigners claim Ta Ann uses wood from “old growth” forests in Tasmania.

Ian Atwood, managing director of International Plywood, told TTJ the company had now decided to suspend purchases because of continuing controversy and question marks concerning logging in Tasmania.

“Whilst the goods are PEFC-certified, we cannot afford the pressure from the NGOs and so have had to take this stance,” he said.

“We are by no means forestry experts, and both sides have demonstrated arguments for and against but it is clear that the current situation is “muddy”, hence our decision to suspend dealings with Ta Ann until the situation becomes more clear.”

International Plywood has a meeting planned with PEFC in mid-January.