Trussed rafter producers from across the Nordic region, Germany and France attended the launch of Randek BauTech’s new high-capacity automatic trussed rafter line at its plant in Falkenberg, Sweden.

The new system, which needs only three operators, boasts triple shift output of up to 180,000 trusses a year and, according to Randek’s Johan Larsson, is already generating market interest.

“After the launch, we’ve gone crazy with enquiries,” he said.

The line, he added, is manned by two people at the truss assembly point, featuring a MiTek table, where an automatic nailing bridge inserts corrugated nails to hold the pieces in place as they progress to the press. The latter automatically registers the lie of the joints and fixes a nail plate every 13 seconds.

The final operator works at the end of the line, batching trusses from the automatic stacker.

“The system gives great savings in set-up time over conventional technology,” said Mr Larsson. “We guarantee a maximum of 20% downtime over the production cycle.”

Randek claims that, as equivalent existing lines need up to 20 people, its bigger customers can save up to €1.3m in labour with the new system.

The company declined to give a cost for the equipment, but said the average payback for its customers would be one to three years.

A Norwegian producer in Lillehammer is now installing the line and Randek has invited UK customers to see it in action there.