Timbmet, Arnold Laver and James Callander & Sons have committed to financially supporting the revamped wood for good timber promotional campaign.

The demonstration of support comes as letters are sent to businesses across the UK timber trade, urging them to get behind the new campaign. A booklet was also sent showing what the campaign might look like.

“It is important that businesses commit to support wood for good,” said Simon Fineman, Timbmet chief executive. “And I can confirm that Timbmet will.”

Timbmet and Lavers supported the campaign in 2008, while Callanders was a supporter in the past. The fund-raising target is £700,000.

“I am encouraged by the show of support,” said ConFor chief executive Stuart Goodall. “It’s a tough ask trying to refresh and relaunch an industry promotion campaign during such as serious downturn in the market.”