The UK Forest Products Association (UKFPA) had a “very worthwhile and productive” meeting with Scottish environment minister Michael Russell on August 15.

UKFPA president Gordon Callander and executive director David Sulman met the minister at the Scottish Executive headquarters in Edinburgh to discuss issues facing the forestry and forest products sector in Scotland.

Mr Sulman said he was encouraged by the minister’s recognition of the need for renewed focus on increasing new planting of woodlands and forest in Scotland to ensure continuity of wood supply for wood processors.

“Action is overdue to address the question of wood supply after the peak of production in 10-20 years time and we look forward to further announcements from the Executive,” said Mr Sulman.

The meeting also discussed timber transport, wood supply for biofuels, the Scottish Forestry Strategy and how the “good news” about forestry could be brought to a wider audience. A follow-up meeting will be arranged towards the end of 2007.

Meanwhile, at an earlier meeting, ConFor chief executive Stuart Goodall told Mr Russell a significant dip in timber supply could happen in 20 years time if action was not taken now.

ConFor wants to see 10,000ha of new planting a year, with 6,000 ha of that for commercial use.