Fifty-eight company chief executive officers and association presidents, all members of the International Council of Forest and Paper Associations (ICFPA), signed the first leadership statement on sustainability at the second meeting of the ICFPA Global CEO Roundtable in Rome.

“This is a significant victory for sustainability and for the communities that rely on the sustainable management of the global forest resource,” said Avrim Lazar, president and CEO of the Forest Products Association of Canada and ICFPA president.

“The forest products industry has an important responsibility to promote sustainable development objectives worldwide. Through this statement ICFPA members have made a strong and clear commitment to sustainable development and to working with other stakeholders to ensure that environmental, social and economic benefits of our natural resources are available to current and future generations.”

Mr Lazar said that through the leadership statement, the global forest products industry had committed to improve its performance through: promoting sustainable forest management worldwide; combating illegal logging; fibre use and recovery; environmental management, creating solutions to global climate change and energy supply objectives; investing in workers and communities.

A full copy of the leadership statement is available at