Indonesia is stepping up its campaign against illegal logging at a domestic and international level.

I Made Subadia, director-general of forest protection and natural conservation at the Ministry of Forestry, is optimistic that the measures will work.

Local campaigns are being introduced to stop provincial governments from issuing forest concession licences and people living around forests will be encouraged to fight illegal logging.

The ministry has also asked the government to set up a fast response special agency incorporating several ministries, the customs office, police and the military, to deal with illegal logging, forest fires and endangered species.

Made said his ministry also plans to lower the allocation of concession areas to around 6.9 million m3 next year from more than 12 million m3 this year.

On an international level, Indonesia has already secured co-operation agreements with 12 countries and eight global organisations to curb illegal logging and the government plans to build on that.