India’s industrial roundwood imports have tripled in the past five years, making the country a major importer of tropical timber, according to a new survey.

The International Tropical Timber Organisation‘s “Review of the Indian Timber Market” says the country’s roundwood imports now exceed more than 2 million m3 per year and demand could approach 10 million m3 by the end of the decade.

The survey involved in-depth reviews of wood use in 15 major urban centres and a look at timber consumption in rural areas. Total consumption is estimated to exceed 70 million m3 per year by 2010, while domestic supply will fall short by about 14 million m3.

  Dr Maharaj Muthoo, who presented the survey results to the International Tropical Timber Council, said the growing demand was due to an improving domestic economy and rapid expansion of middle and upper income groups. Construction activity was being spurred by lucrative housing schemes and urbanisation.

However, he said tropical timber producers hoping to capitalise on the demand were faced with several challenges, including disorganisation in the Indian timber market.