The £120,000 machines have been installed at Wyckham Blackwell, Lowfield Timber, Oakenclough Buildings, Roundwood of Mayfield and Donaldson Timber Engineering.

The SC3, said Hundegger UK’s Chris Osborne, is winning UK customers due to its value, speed of operation and versatility – it features 5-axis sawing and, with optional CNC units, can adapt to green oak, glulam and outdoor building production, undertaking drilling, slotting, marking and labelling.

Its own control software works with all the main timber engineering software packages for truss, frame and post and beam manufacturing.

The latest UK customers for the machine are all using it for different applications, underlining its flexibility, said Mr Osborne. Oakenclough is making garden building components, Roundwood oak frame, DTE trussed rafters, Lowfield timber frame and Wyckham Blackwell timber frame and trussed rafters. Each uses a different design software system.

“Users comment that the machine also improves production control and their ability to produce one-offs,” said Mr Osborne. “It allows full control of picking lists, optimisation of job files and timber lengths, reduction in stock and full control of picking. It also facilitates better labour utilisation, frequently replacing two or three manual cross-cuts.

”Demand for the SC3, he added, is also being driven by the rising market.

“Everyone is super busy,” he said. “So they need a machine that is flexible and cuts quickly to keep up with demand and their assembly plant.”

Hundegger, which has sold 800 SC-3s worldwide, undertakes installation and training and ‘life time support’.

Prospective new customers can be taken to see the machine working at existing users, or to the factory in Germany.

“And we have another half a dozen UK orders in the pipeline,” said Mr Osborne.