The Board is currently undertaking a long-term strategy review and will be sharing its plans for the next five years at BMF Members’ Day in September.

“Peter was instrumental in the development of our initial strategic roadmap and the Board and myself are extremely pleased that he has agreed to continue as chairman during the latest phase of development and implementation,” said BMF CEO, John Newcomb.

“Our strategic focus on areas where we can best support our members and provide real leadership to the industry has been instrumental in revitalising the BMF and growing membership to its current high point of 650 companies.

“But the market we operate within is constantly evolving. Our latest strategy is designed both to reflect current changes and anticipate future developments and I am looking forward to working with the Board and the BMF team to deliver benefit to all members.”

“I am encouraged by the progress the BMF has made representing the building materials supply chain and promoting professionalism throughout the whole merchant industry,” said Mr Hindle.

“I am happy to have played a role within this and to continue my chairmanship of the BMF for a further year. We are fortunate to have a relatively young board, with several directors joining within the last 12 months, and the BMF will undoubtedly benefit from their drive and enthusiasm in the future.”