Paul Hands, sales director of James Callander & Son Ltd’s, and three friends took part in RIDE 24 at Dunsfold, Surrey, a 24-hour Le Mans-style team relay cycling event.

Eighty-six teams took part in the challenging event to raise money for Action Medial Research, a charity specialising in research into sick babies and children’s diseases.

Mr Hands team, Centurions 1, completed 165 laps of the 2.8-mile airfield circuit.

“It was hard work, especially during the night,” he said, “but we came 16th overall and it was good to know that while feeling the pain we were raising money for a very worthwhile cause.”

To date, Mr Hands and his team mates have raised over £1,200. Anyone wishing to make a donation should contact Mr Hands on for details of how to donate.