A Yorkshire carpenter has undergone revolutionary surgery to correct his vision and give him a new lease of life.

David Diston, from Baildon, who owns construction firm DA Diston Joiners and Builders in Farsley, had suffered with long-sightedness and astigmatism before a “groundbreaking” lens was implanted in his eyes.

He is one of the first people in the UK to have the operation.

Astigmatism is caused by an irregular curvature of the cornea, while long-sightedness, or hyperopia, is a focusing error affecting the vision of close-up objects.

The multi-focal AcriLISA Toric lens has corrected refraction and focusing in his eyes, alleviating both vision problems and taking away the need to wear bi-focal glasses. The only glasses he need wear now are his work safety specs.

Long-sightedness and astigmatism had also prevented Mr Diston from scuba-diving, a keen hobby he had been forced to give up 15 years ago.

“I have gone from not even being able to see the large numbers on my bedside clock to being able to see everything bright and clear, without glasses,” said Mr Diston.

“I am particularly looking forward to resuming my hobby of scuba-diving and am relishing the opportunity to have a glasses free holiday with my family.”

He has booked a diving holiday to the Red Sea to celebrate his new-found sight.