Griffner Coillte Ltd’s new 40,000ft2 timber frame factory in Mullingar, Ireland has been officially opened and more than 250 jobs will be created over the next 18 months.

The factory is a joint venture between Irish forestry board Coillte and Austrian manufacturer GriffnerHaus AG.

Opening the factory, Dermot Ahern, Ireland’s minister for communications, marine and natural resources said the company had spotted an opening in the Irish market where timber frames were becoming increasingly popular.

&#8220This is a new era in the development of efficient and innovative construction. Sustainable, energy efficient housing plays an important role in meeting the challenge of reducing greenhouse gas emissions”

Dermot Ahern, Irish minister for communications, marine and natural resources

He added: “This is a new era in the development of efficient and innovative construction. Sustainable, energy efficient housing plays an important role in meeting the challenge of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.”